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About Professor Teruyuki Kondo's Group

When thinking about the direction of organometallic chemistry in the 21st century beyond the conventional understanding of the synthesis, structure, and reactivity of new complexes and developing novel complex catalytic reactions, we realize the necessity for major developments to improve the effects of research on society and the quality of life of individuals, as “environment” and “health” have become the key aspects of today’s society. Specifically, the mission of the Kondo Laboratory is to synthesize novel functional molecules and demonstrate their utility in health and medicine. This can be achieved by working (i) with scientists who specialize in organometallic chemistry and also have a background of organic, inorganic, and molecular chemistries, and (ii) with “engineering researchers” whose ideas and approaches differ from those working in the fields of medicine and pharmaceutical science. Of course, collaborations with medical researchers and industry are essential to assess the utility and practicality of our research. The Kondo Laboratory actively participates in industry–university joint research projects in engineering-based medicine supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). We also take part in educational programs and develop human resources to succeed in the field of medical engineering and conduct research and teaching. With a rich research environment, the staff and students work together to create an efficient laboratory. (Reference: “Recommendations for the Challenge of Integrated Research of Different Fields” (Kosha), the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan)
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